Monday, November 27, 2006

Divine Influences

I had a question run through my mind this morning. It was basically how it was that Christ has accomplished our salvation. Quickly a phrase come to mind: "Dying He destroyed our death. Rising He restored our life." It's something we say in the liturgy on occasion. There, very simply, was my answer. And what was my teacher? The liturgy.

God has so shaped things that there are numerous ways that He communicates His Truth to us. Most of us are familiar with the Sacred Scriptures or the spoken word in preaching or teaching. These are some of the ways that God communicates with us. But there are others.

God also uses the Sacraments. Through these simple things of earth He gives us His Grace. They are mysteries, but yet we know that God is present and we are drawn nearer to Him as a result. In addition, God uses the liturgy. Through the words and prayers that we say every week, we are being taught more about God. We learn through worship.

There are more. God speaks to us through His creation, through His people, and directly to our spirits in deep personal communion. He uses all kinds of ways to speak. But are we listening?

If we only expect to hear God at certain times and in certain ways, we will miss so much of what He wants to say to us. So keep your ears open and be attentive. God is speaking. Let him who has ears to hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying.


Blogger Admin said...

Your post reminds me of that old chorus, "Open My Eyes, Lord". Open our eyes. Open our ears. Open our hearts. And help us to LISTEN!

10:56 AM  
Blogger Hidden One said...

"If we only expect to hear God at certain times and in certain ways, we will miss so much of what He wants to say to us. So keep your ears open and be attentive. God is speaking. Let him who has ears to hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying."


8:24 PM  

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